Health Promotion Officer: NQF Level 3 (Credits 163) – QCTO Accredited. Development Quality Partner – HWSETA
This qualification replaces:
- ID 64749 – National Certificate: Community Health Work NQF Level 2
- ID 64749 – National Certificate: Community Health Work NQF Level 3
Duration: This is a one year qualification comprising knowledge subjects, practical skills modules and work experience modules.
Access to the qualification
- The learner must be adequately mobile to execute the work within a community
- Adequate visual and hearing capacity to master the skills as described in the curriculum document
The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to:
- Carry out basic assessments of communities, households, groups and individuals
- Provide basic health education and referrals for a wide range of services
- Support and assist in navigating the health and social services
Recipients of this qualification will be able to:
- Conduct assessments of the social, physical and economic dynamics in communities
- Conduct household assessments and identify those at risk of health related issues including impairments in health
- Provide information, education and support for healthy behaviours and appropriate home care
- Provide psychosocial support
- Identify and manage minor health problems
Entry Requirements
- NQF Level 1 or equivalent competences in Mathematical Literacy and Communications
This qualification will allow you to move vertically to a:
- Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work at NQF Level 5
- Further Education & Training Certificate: Community Health Work at NQF Level 4